About Us

#livewellwelly #lovewellwelly #churchofrefuge #safechurchforall

Capital Church believes in Jesus, being authentic, real and relevant

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Leadership team

We are blessed with a team of leaders committed to making Capital Church feel like home. How can we serve you?

Kirsten Øster Lundqvist

Lead Pastor

Kirsten is originally from Scandinavia, a global citizen, with 30 years in ministry experience, she moved to Wellington from the United Kingdom. Naturally, she has fallen in love with Wellington and New Zealand.

Gabe Ruiz


Gabriel “Gabe” Ruiz has worn many hats over the years. The Puerto Rico native has been a minister, teacher, CEO, and, most recently, a transformative coach for a Wellington-based game development company. He is passionate about creating a church space that is welcoming and safe for the diversity of human experiences among God’s children…

silhouette of man illustration

Craig Burt


Melanie Malifa

Elder & Kids church coordinator

Melanie grew up in rural Whanganui where she developed a love for nature and a life of simplicity. She has a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology from Massey University Palmerston North. Melanie has extensive experience in pastoral leadership and community work as well as administration within the health, education, and community sectors.

Paul Whiting


Paul is originally from Christchurch and grew up there. He became a Christian as a teenager in a Pentecostal church and attended the University of Canterbury, graduating with a Masters in sociology. In 2008, Paul moved to Wellington to pursue a career in public policy. He has worked largely in the area of education – in industry and trades training for young people, secondary school qualifications development, and most recently in early childhood education.

Vicky Jennings

Leader & Health coordinator

Vicky has grown up & still lives in Wellington. She is a registered nurse and health educator passionate about people living their best lives. Vicky loves to support youth, capital, and community initiatives to improve health and wellbeing.

Community Outreach

Community involvement is part of our commitment. Through the years we have been particularly involved with youth.

Some of our involvement is more on a need base, but others are more organized.

There are 2 main community charities we have continually supported. StopTrafficking & Wellington Shoebox Christmas.

We are newly partnering with ADRA and Community Champions with the upcoming focus on living better Blue Zone Living. #livewellwelly #lovewellwelly

Stop Trafficking

Stop Trafficking

Shoebox Christmas


blonde haired woman riding on boat

Blue Zone Living


Keep on listening to where the spirit of God works in our fellowship and how we can be authentic believers who follow Jesus.
Be intentional about including and welcoming youth and young adults and aim to be a place where we grow young in our energy for sharing who Jesus is in our lives.
Be intentionally inclusive to our Maori Whanau and pray we can be a church that lives and embraces the richness thereof
Welcome and embrace our rainbow community as we grow in learning how an inclusive church looks.
Be a safe and healing church for all
Live well and love well in Wellington
heart shaped pink sparklers photography

These are our Commitments

God Worshiping

Life Transforming

Culturally Relevant

Community Connecting

Family Empowering

Mission Compelled


Capital Church.

The Trinity.

Christ our Hope.

Christ’s Return.

The Church.

The Holy Scriptures.


The Ten Commandments.

The Sabbath.

The New Earth.

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